Luminous Life Solutions – Coaching With Gail

Have you been in prayer asking
God for help or answers?
Maybe this is your answer. I am a believer that not all things are random coincidences.
“I empower Christians who find themselves in a dark place to reclaim their inner strength, reignite their faith, and have a life of healing and purpose.”
You most likely stopped on this page due to a longing and discontent you have been feeling.
Do any of these sound like you?
- Are you wondering if God is listening to your pleas because you need answers now?
- Has your health gone downhill due to you not having time or energy for yourself?
- Is your cup empty?
- Do you wonder what your purpose is?
- Do you have a job that sucks the aliveness out of you?
- Do you need to break free from that inner negative voice and stop self-sabotaging?
- Feeling unsettled with the uncertainties on the steps you need to take and wonder is this all there is for me?
- Facing a new chapter in your life and you want to uncover your path?

If you said yes to any of these
Then there’s hope for you!
I have been in each of these situations and boy, it can be miserable. What if in just a short time you could see and feel hope and have clarity with the perfect blueprint to follow one that brings your dreams into reality and start living a life you love. If the idea of having consistent support with high level transformational tools sounds great, then I would love to connect with you. Click below to book a strategy session and discover what is out there waiting for you!
Ask yourself ‘What is this costing me mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically to keep putting off getting help with these life issues?’
Why do I work with Christians only?
Christians have different pressures they put on themselves. Pressures like don’t complain, be joyful in everything. As a mom or dad you might feel like you should have all the answers or as a spouse you might feel a longing of discontent about your relationship. It could be you even have had a divorce. It could even be that what you do for a living is unsatisfying, but you feel you are supposed to just bloom there. It could even be guilt over the frustration you feel taking care of a helpless family member. There are endless things I could name. This life is messy! Everyone has their own struggles. Most Christians suffer in silence. Satan is in our heads sending us thoughts like if I’m struggling with this…(fill in the blank) is my faith not strong enough? Have you asked, am I not reading the Bible enough? Are my problems not big enough for God to intervene? Why isn’t God listening, why isn’t God answering? Who do I go to with these problems? I might look like I have a lack of faith if I complain or open up to anyone. People may think differently about me. Or another big one: what is my true purpose? The struggle is real. I spent years, no decades in this, just where Satan wanted me. Staying small, living small….The fact is we need to do our part, but finding what actually to do and where to start is the hard part. Everyone needs a bit of guidance and a friend with answers and skills. God is listening. God is guiding. Having a person to help you muddle through your thoughts that has a proven reliable system is life changing.
Meet Gail Marie
Certified Transformational Life Coach
Hi, I’m Gail Marie. I’m a proud single mom of a teen boy! And I’m a Christian. These are my favorite accomplishments. I love to help Christians who long for more out of life find what’s missing, and I also am a hairstylist. I love making people feel beautiful from the inside out. This lights me up! Every soul that comes across my path is a gift from God. Whether it’s from coaching someone to live their best life, teaching a ladies class at church, or sitting in my chair for a hair color or cut. I feel I have been a friend to many and coaching and giving advice probably since grade school. I’m just one of those people, you know the kind of person that people turn to for answers or words of wisdom for many years, long before I went to school for it. I am so glad to meet you here!
What if you knew the answers to…
What would you love? What if you could? What if it were easy?
You would wake up everyday with a new found purpose with peace and assurance in your soul to come back to at any time of the day. A new direction that is very clear and it feels so great. It doesn’t mean you won’t have hard days, but your hard days won’t have you. There is a beauty to this and it’s priceless to know you got this one life to live, and you are on the right path. aligned with God, He is your copilot. God has placed in all of us unique gifts to bring to this world to do his work. The secret to this is it’s not a burden. When we bring our gifts, it is an absolute pleasure and we shine! You wake up everyday in love with your life! By the end of the program internal shifts have happened in you. You are not the same person with the same level of awareness that you started the program with. You are a fuller, freer, expanded version of yourself.
So if you want more out of life – this coaching is for you!
Coaching Options
Brave Thinking Program
A proven reliable system for creating a life you love!
It has changed my life and it can change yours too.
This is specialized for Christians. This is near and dear to my heart. You will learn how strong and how powerful you really are. You will learn how to map out this next beautiful chapter in your life.
With Emotional Frequency Tapping, I guide you through the steps to release stored stress you are holding in your body. This makes you feel immediate relief, so that you can focus your energy on building a future you love.
If I had one wish
…it would be that every dedicated Christian would bask in the complete knowing that they are resting in the purist love. Knowing they are walking in their fullness, none of self and all of Him. To know you are living your purpose is bliss. God’s strength is the wind behind you pushing you, guiding you. You have strength beyond measure and courage to do what you once thought was impossible. I have had times of this and have the practice of pulling this forth and emptying myself of me..the human me. Your mind quiets worldly things that don’t matter. I would be lying if I didn’t say that I am human and I still struggle sometimes a lot. I have this to rely on. There is a peace that passes all understanding, really! and I want this for you. For you to live your purpose. This takes steps in all areas of your life. Some will be very easy, some will take faith, but in these areas are when it gets really good, these are when your faith grows by leaps!